“Gender Capacity Assessment”

Toward gender equality and democratic justice: Support for the Capacity Development of civil society and Academia in Myanmar (2022 – 2025)
Under the Knowledge for Democracy Myanmar Phase II supported by IDRC Canada
Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) with the support of IDRC Canada is hosting the project “Toward gender equality and democratic justice” to support the capacity building of civil society and academia in/of Myanmar. Noting the drastic change in the political landscape in Myanmar, the project aims to provide a forum for concerned academics, researchers and civil society activists to come together to discuss gender equality and democratic justice in Myanmar. For this purpose, the GenderLab is established. The GenderLab is a space for academics, students, researchers, journalists, and civil society to engage, learn, discuss and deliberate on topics around gender equality, justice, peace and development.

Under the GenderLab, we will be engaged in different topics capacity development series and skills training. One of the skills training will be on “Gender analysis research skills” which can apply for civil society and students who would like to improve gender analysis research skills. It aims to enhance an application of gender analysis tools under conflict situation highlighting how to integrate an intersectional approach to its analysis.

This training will be collaboratively conducted with Gender Academy (GA) Myanmar. GA Myanmar took off in 2012 as a collective project by a group of passionate gender specialists. It initially operated on informal collective basis but it transformed into a formal establishment in 2017. GA strives to knock down the structural barriers preventing women’s full participation in the social and political life through provisions of high-quality academic courses on women’s rights and gender. GA also aspires other organizations in Myanmar to advance gender equality and women’s rights.

Before the training, we would like to collect the capacity assessment data to understand the capacity needs and interests to design and tailor the needs of the target groups. You will find the link in the email to answer it. It is very much appreciated for your time to answer this assessment by 19th June at the latest. The collected data would only use for this training purpose, and we will not share with others as well.

If you have any questions or further information, please feel free to reach out Gender Academy team: genderacademy@gmail.com or GenderLab team: genderlab@ait.asia.
Thank you very much.

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